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  • All harmonized INSPIRE data sets are provided in the open GML32 format in EPSG: 4258 (ETRS89, coordinate system, according to the INSPIRE Data Specification. Only AS-IS vector datasets are provided in EPSG:3346 (LKS-94, - national CRS of Lithuania.

  • INSPIRE dataset for Geology theme represents geological information fot the territory of Lithuania.

  • INSPIRE dataset for Geology theme represents geological information for the territory of Lithuania. Dataset of Borehole objects is not public, in order to get this dataset you need to contact the Lithuanian geological survey under the Ministry of Environment which is the resource provider, Layers GE.GeologicUnit.LithogeneticUnit, GE.GeologicUnit.BiostratigraphicUnit, GE.GeomorphologicFeature, GE.GeologicFault are shown at a scale of 200 000: 5 000 000.

  • Mineral resources - Annex 3. The download and view services provide only an example of the Mineral resources dataset because it is not public. In order to get these data you need to contact the Lithuanian geological survey under the Ministry of Environment which is the resource provider,

  • INSPIRE dataset for Natural Risk Zones theme represents information about flood hazards and risk zones in Lithuania. The NZ.Flood layer is shown at a scale of 1: 25 000.

  • INSPIRE dataset for Geology theme represents geological information for the territory of Lithuania. Layer with Active well objects is not public, in order to get data you need to contact the Lithuanian geological survey under the Ministry of Environment which is the resource provider, Layers GE.AquiferSystems, GE.Aquiclude, GE.Aquifer, and GE.Aquitard are shown at a scale of 200 000:100 000 000.