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Educational establishments of Lithuania from the Educational and science register.
The grid is based on the recommendation at the 1st European Workshop on Reference Grids in 2003 and later INSPIRE geographical grid systems. Three vector polygon grid shape files, 1, 10 and 100 km, are available. The grids cover country borders - plus 15km buffer - and marine Exclusive Economic Zones - plus 15km buffer. Note that the extent of the grid into the marine area does not reflect the extent of the territorial waters.The reference grids are based on ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection. Direct download link:
The dataset provides different scale grids of the nomenclature sheets. The grids are based on different coordinate systems (UTM, LKS-94, KS-1963, Baltija-93). Direct download link:
INSPIRE dataset for the Energy Resources theme represents information about renewable energy resources in the territory of Lithuania. The download service of Dataset for Energy recourses is available in GML format. Data about fields of hydrocarbon resources and peat resources are not public, in order to get these data you need to contact the Lithuanian geological survey under the Ministry of Environment which is the resource provider,
Data prepared for the implementation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive.
INSPIRE dataset for Meteorological Geographical Features theme represents information about actual measurements of precipitation, air temperature, wind speed, and wind direction for the territory of Lithuania. The values of these indicators are obtained from 16 meteorological stations and measured hourly. The dataset also includes averages of precipitation and air temperature data from past periods.
According to requirements of Air Quality Directives 2008/50//EC and 2004/107/EC Member States shall establish zones and agglomerations throughout their territory for air quality assessment and management. "Zone" means part of the territory of, as delimited by Member State for the purposes of air quality assessment and management. "Agglomeration" means a zone that is a conurbation with a population in excess of 250 000 inhabitants. Lithuania has established 2 agglomerations (Vilnius and Kaunas) and one zone (the rest territory of Lithuania). Air quality assessment and management shall be carried out in all zones and agglomerations.
2017 primary validated assessment data for all sampling points where measurement data is collected for the purpose of the assessment and reciprocal exchange of information.
Data prepared for the implementation of the Directive 2008/56/EC.