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  • The Addresses data is based on the public data of the SE Center of Registers, which were published in February of 2022. In order to get the actual Addresses data of the required territory, you need to contact the SE "Centre of Registers" which is the administrator of the Address Register.

  • The download service provides only an example of the Cadastral parcels dataset because data of the parcels are paid. The example is available in GML format. In order to get the Cadastral parcels data of the required territory, you need to contact the SE "Centre of Registers" which is the administrator of the Address Register.

  • The Addresses data is based on the public data of the SE Center of Registers, which were published in February of 2022. In order to get the actual Addresses data of the required territory, you need to contact the SE "Centre of Registers" which is the administrator of the Address Register. The objects are shown at the scales between 1:1 000 and 1:50 000.

  • The Addresses data is based on the public data of the SE Center of Registers, which were published in February of 2022. In order to get the actual Addresses data of the required territory, you need to contact the SE "Centre of Registers" which is the administrator of the Address Register. The objects are shown at the scales between 1:1 000 and 1:50 000.

  • The objects are shown at the scales between 1:1 and 1:20 000.

  • This service provides a map of Administrative units of Lithuania.

  • This service provides data of the Administrative units of Lithuania.

  • Cadastral parcels - Annex 1. The download service provides only an example of the Cadastral parcels dataset because data of the parcels are paid. The example is available in GML format. In order to get the Cadastral parcels data of the required territory, you need to contact the SE "Centre of Registers" which is the administrator of the Address Register. The objects are shown at the scales between 1:1 and 1:20 000.

  • Administrative units - Annex 1. INSPIRE Dataset for Administrative units theme contains administrative boundaries of elderships, municipalities, counties and state borders of the Republic of Lithuania.

  • INSPIRE dataset for Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units theme represents theme-related territories in Lithuania. Data of mineral resources restriction zones are not public, in order to get these data you need to contact the Lithuanian geological survey under the Ministry of Environment which is the resource provider, The AM.DrinkingWaterProtectionArea layer is shown at a scale of 1:500 000 through the view service.